“Sponsor” If the oxford dictionary was to be rewritten in Kenya right now I think they would probably rewrite the alphabet and have “S” as the first letter and sponsor being the first word. The only problem I think would be to get the one and the most appropriate meaning for it.
This new trend is everywhere, the word sponsor has spread like wild fire, it has become a virus spread by word of mouth. Most would say it has become viral. Even my mum talks of it, I even suspect my grandmother has heard of it. Lately I took a colleague for lunch and surprisingly the next day I had become her sponsor.
So this is what I have gathered about sponsors. First and most importantly He or She has to have a heavy bank account. And by He or She I mean exactly that, I hear that this thing doesn’t discriminate on gender. Somehow I think that these so called sponsors are the “old-fashioned” sugar daddies and sugar mummies. What they’ve done is added a fancy name to it. Think of it like how prostitutes are called “sex-workers” or gold diggers have been called “Escorts”.
Secondly, these so called sponsors majority of times tend to be older. Most will tell you this somehow makes the whole thing convenient. Ask me how. So this is how it works. If he or she is older the probability that he or she is married is next to one or the chances are 9 out of 10. And how is this a good thing? You might ask. This means their whole life don’t revolve around you. Trust me, this is a good thing. This means you not the person he will stress if he didn’t get that promotion or his project didn’t go through, generally that’s a wife’s job. She will do all the dirty work for you. Yours is to enjoy. And don’t get me wrong I don’t evangelize on the whole sponsorship thing.
A friend was telling me why the fairly old make good sponsors.
“They are not into the whole Fifty Shades of Grey kind of thing”.
For some the whole idea of being with someone younger on itself is enough to quench their sexual fantasies.
“For most you go missionary and 5 minutes into it he is done” she continued. “And then you have enough money to last you a month but he claims it’s just for a few days, it’s like getting a month’s salary for a one-day job” she added.
So here is my worry. Sponsorship unlike love is more of an agreement. Think of it as a business, service for money. And even when we call it a business, it barely seems fair, one party tends to benefit more.
I believe sex is not a commodity to be traded like bread, I don’t even understand how the price is set. How much is enough? What do u do if what you get isn’t enough. Do you bargain basing on the level of satisfaction? The length of the engagement? The looks and feel of your body? I honestly don’t know and can’t start to imagine. Sex is a gift of love, to be shared by those with a deeper connection, more than lust and passion.
My fear is that this new trend is replacing love. Most feel love is too complicated, to many, love is associated with heartaches, endless arguments, stress, infidelity and betrayal not to mention others. And on the other hand sponsorship has no commitments, no infidelity, no stress and lots and lots of money. The irony is this. Not to pick on you ladies but, how do you still call yourself independent if you have a sponsor, when you obviously still depend on another for money.
I believe there is still a lot to gather from love and a genuine and decent relationship. There is more to life than just good living and a life of partying. And it actually feels good to have something you can call yours. Open your eyes, that money isn’t yours and that sponsor is definitely not yours either.