Saturday, February 20, 2016

I want a girl to love me like MOM

There is no love like a mother’s love. I have confidence in that we are all conversant with this one. But on a first thought, you would think your mother is the most irritating woman you will ever meet.
I remember someone telling me that if you think hard enough and be ‘optimistic’ enough, if at all that’s the right word for it,  you will notice that the woman you end up marrying will somewhat be comparable in personality to your mother. I didn’t take this seriously.
“You’ve to be kidding me,” I thought. At 18 I was thinking of how fast I could get liberated off my mother, and yet someone was trying to get this crazy impression that I might be stuck with someone who behaves exactly like my mother for the rest of my life?
“God forbid” I was confident I wouldn’t be taking my words back any time soon.
It’s surprising how much very much can change in so little time. Now here I am, humbled like a dog in front of his master. As I say “I want a girl to love me like my mother”
And don’t get me wrong, am not crazy, neither did I lack something to write about,  nor did at gun point my mum force me to write and post this article. May be I should post a disclaimer it’s out of free will and self-meditation that am posting this post …bla bla bla ….
Come to think of it, every family minded guy has his “wife material” qualities. Now, if u take these qualities and match them against those of your mum most of them will match.
Let me try and be a psychic... you want a woman who can cook, after all ‘the way to man’s heart is through his stomach’, your mom will probably tell you.  You want her to understand you no matter what, she is supposed to defend you even when she knows you are on the wrong. Be worried for you even when you not worried for yourself. Forgive you even when you are more than sure yourself that you don’t deserve to be forgiven. She should treat you like a baby. She should do your dirty laundry, no problem. Be there when you are from work to welcome you. Make you bed…. Am starting to sound like am a baby and am describing my own mother, and those are just but the basic staff.
If we fight hard enough past our manly foolish ego, we will agree that our mums are the picture-perfect examples of how our wives ought to be. If you asked a philosopher as to why this is,  most will be heard to go down the road of “we all grow up having our mothers close to us and we have them do the most basic things in life for us, we grow up with them as a perfect example of how women should be….”

When talking about this issue a lot can be brought up for discussion. Some will agree with me; some won’t see the point. We live a liberal world, but am telling you unless your mum is the kind of bad mums we see in NIGERIAN MOVIES if she doesn’t like a girl, it means they aren’t compatible and you have yourself a problem. But as I said I stand corrected.