Friday, January 13, 2017

Let The Heart Be The Boss

    William Shakespeare said that a light heart lives long. Most people will probably tell you not to put all your heart in one place and to guard it as it is your most valued treasure. I agree. But, on the treasure part, but about not putting your heart in one place, I have some reservations. Yeah I know it makes perfect sense to want to be even a little bit careful and protect yourself. But I also believe that a bird afraid of falling can never learn to fly. But you might ask me, what do I know of birds? Not a lot. But I will ask you this. Do you know how to ride a bicycle? I want to assume yes. Now do you remember that first time you got both your feet up? Do you remember the feeling? Me for one, I felt like I was flying an airplane. But I had fell n bruised myself many times before. But that hadn’t deterred me. Now if I sat down and listened to my mum tell me bicycles are dangerous. And decided to play safe, I wouldn’t have experienced the feeling I got. Now I know you are probably not sure if that example was the best. So let me bring you and me on the same page. You might think that riding a bicycle is pretty simple. So is falling in love. As a matter of fact, I believe falling in love is easier. Here is how and I don’t mean to be a pessimist but, when it comes to bicycles the pain comes before the excitement but with falling in love the pain if any, comes after the greatest frequents of adrenaline rush you will ever experience and I mean this in the good way. Any way enough about bicycles.
    It’s an agreeable fact that a heart that is in love has a tendency of being pretty stupid at times, ok most of the times. I for one have found myself making decisions and telling myself subconsciously
     “You are going to regret this.” but still do it anyway. Or doing something and then being like
      “I didn’t just do that!” It’s like when you are in love your brain and your heart become enemies. For instance, have you had a friend blinded so much by love that he or she is stuck in an abusive or an ‘unprofitable’ (don’t ask which one that is) relationship that they can’t seem to get out of. And things are so clear to you that it’s no longer beneficial but they still stick. And one day they come crying to you and you’ve just had enough and you yell at them…
      “Can’t you just use your brains for once!” Don’t blame them, most of us have been there, if not you will get there, not to be a prophet of doom or anything but…anyway am just trying to make a point. Scientifically and logically the brain is bigger in size than the heart, right? But for someone in love most of the times when the two challenge one another in a fight the heart will always seem to win. Come to think of it. Medically speaking, a heart attack will kill you almost instantly while a brain tumor can eat you up for several years…at least I think so. Well, my point is, for someone in love the heart is pretty powerful. You’ve heard people say ‘matters of the heart’ are complicated and warned you not to come in between two people in love whether fighting or cuddling. Nine out of ten of the times, they actually know what they are talking about. You never want to be caught up in a love triangle, most times the triangle ends up without one of the corners, if you see what I did there.
     So what of those who tell you not to love someone completely or as most would say ‘with all your heart’. There is nothing wrong with having a backup plan. But I believe when it comes to matters relationship that almost never works. You are either completely in or out. In or out…. In or out…Iiin! Or ooouut! …ok guys I think I’ve made my point now. I won’t ‘push’ it.
     As I wind up, I will ask a question. Do you believe when someone tells you to trust your guts? Or even your instincts. What of when people ask you to follow your heart or listen to your heart. The later do not exist only in fairy tales and soap operas, they do mean something in real life and actually work. I know a heart in love can be stupid but come to think of it, we were all born stupid, and we trusted our mum and dad coz they said they loved us and look where that got you, nowhere bad I presume. So am asking you to take a leap of faith guys, remember with high risks comes big rewards and nothing good comes easy. Lucky for you guys I have an easy way to happiness for you, just let the heart be the boss!  

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