Thursday, July 10, 2014

Are we the endangered species?

Am sitted next to this man in a public matatu. The radio is on, there is a certain show going on. One who is supossedly supposed to be looking for a lover is supposed to phone(forgive my twist of language). Then, on air the host asks of his or her traits. And asks for an elligible patner to call up for a hook up. So this lady gets on air. As easily predictable she goes ahead to describe her self. I cant help but smile as she describes herself in a vague manner. For a time I start doubting she will get any lucky. But, who knows? I bet there is a man out there as desperate as she is. On a second thought...maybe not.
So somehow my seat companion notices my smile and doesn't hesitate to start the conversation.
"You people are luky"
"Why?" I ask. His comment completely catches me offguard.
"You know during our time there were not as many girls..."
"...Girls ussually played very hard to get..." he continues. At this point I have no idea what he expects me to comment, so I keep silent.
"But you know the ones that want you arent the ones you want..." I finnaly say not aware if it was the right thing to do.
As I alight at the next stop I leave wondering. Was there a truth in his statement and was there to be more insidences of women looking for men instead of the opposite. May be its true after are an endangered species

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