Thursday, January 19, 2017

Lets Talk Business

   Hello guys, today i thought i should take my time and test my business skills on you, sorry if its sound rude or like am bragging, i assure you its nothing like it seems. so, lets get to business.
   I thought I should start with the definition of business. But, unfortunately I cant come up with something smart to scare you guys. so I will go around it the best way i know how. So, have you noticed how if anyone who doesn't a have a titled career like lets say a doctor, a pilot and all that, when asked what he or she does claims to be a business man or woman? well, that's the diversity of business. Confused? OK, let me try and put it  in a simpler way. A business in simple terms is an undertaking that benefits you in terms of cash or any other form, that can be quantified in monetary terms(you wont find that in any dictionary). Smart, right?
    With all that said, its almost impossible to talk about business without talking of investment. Now this is where love comes in. Whats an investment you might ask? Sorry am sure u r too smart to ask that. Am not here to show you how much business i know but you don't need an MBA to know that investing is putting your money into a venture that you believe will give you even more money ,simply put. I believe loving someone to be an investment, and the same way that you hear that investments are for the risk takers. Those not afraid of loosing their money. so is love. its not for the faint hearted, the amount of faith and trust you need to have for the one you are entering into "partnership" with cannot be underestimated. Its like taking a million dollars and investing it in a start up company, with no past cash flows to look at, you just have to look at forecasts and hope that the future brings good things. Sounds very unwise I know.
        If the little knowledge av acquired in business school serves me right, then i believe a business  has cycles, five or four i presume. There will be the start stage when the business is still young, then it will start to grow and then establish itself and if you are lucky will perpetually continue generating positive cash flows. But that is not guaranteed, it may face challenges and decline. At this stage you can decide to close or move to new ventures. Anyway enough flexing my knowledge muscles.
      Love also in a similar way has its stages, that i believe can be compared to that of the business. There is the courtship stage that can be compared to the start up, this is where you get to know each other, you try to establish your love for one another, this also can be called testing waters, as to if your relationship will be viable. And did i mention that this requires a lot of capital, getting her wont come cheap i know you guys can attest to that. Then when she finally says yes, now you are established and its official in the registrar of relationships that, there exists such a couple and no one can come claiming to own anything registered under the union. Hopefully your love will grow and also exist perpetually, i believe that is always the ultimate goal. But just like in business , that is not always guaranteed. The partnership may experience problems when the partners no longer agree, or if one partner's actions are not in the best interest of the other. For instance indulging in other business deals outside the partnership in secrecy.
       As i conclude, one key thing about investments is that , the investor expects returns. Just like in business, profits are essential. Undertaking a business that reports losses year in year out is just crazy, you don't need a professor to tell you that. Neither can you invest in a company making losses. Its throwing away your money. The same applies to love, staying stuck in a relationship that no longer adds benefits you, is insane. Some businesses will work while others will fail, that is just the nature of business and am sure most of us have no objection to that, that's why we keep hustling. I want us to apply the same to love, that there are relationships meant to work while others are just not meant to be keep trying until you find that which suits you. And if you are in a relationship that doesn't benefit you, walk out and if he or she asks you any question, am giving you permission to be rude and say. Nothing personal, just business!

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